=AMAZON_DAILYUNITS() – Average daily units sold over a date range

This function allows you to sync the average units sold per day, for any given Amazon SKU, into Google Sheets.

=AMAZON_DAILYUNITS("sku","date range")


  • sku: the Amazon SKU of the product you want to get units sold data for.
  • date range: the date range to filter for (read this guide for formatting and tips). For example:
    • “yesterday”
    • “t30”
    • “last month”
    • “2022-08-02 to 2022-08-06″‘
    • “2022-01-15”



Returns the average number of units mysku123 sold each day over the last 30 days (total units sold divided by 30).


Returns the average daily units sold on Amazon year to date for the SKUs in cells A1 through A100.

Historical Data

When you connect an Amazon account to Synchronize, we scrape 1 year of historical data. You can use the =AMAZON_DAILYUNITS() function to go back up until the start of this time period.