=AMAZON_FBAFEE() – Get a SKU’s FBA fulfillment fee

Want to sync your Amazon FBA fees by SKU into Google Sheets? This function allows you to pull the FBA fulfillment fee for any SKU. You can also provide a date (optional) to get the FBA fee for an SKU at a specific historical point.



  • sku: the Amazon SKU of the product you want to get the FBA fee for.
  • date (optional): a specific historical date you’d like to pull the data point from.
    • for example: “2022-01-15”



Returns the current FBA fulfillment fee for mysku123.


Returns the FBA fee for mysku123 from December 15th, 2022.

Historical Data

Please note that Amazon does not provide access to historical fee data. We start saving this report as you connect an Amazon integration, but we are unable to get Amazon fee reports from before your sign-up date.